Make Campus Connections


Make Campus Connections

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“…sometimes all it takes is a single touch af guidance at exactly the right moment to steer (a student) back on track with confidence, momentum and a clear sense of direction.”

– Jose Luis Cruz, Provost, Cal State Fullerton

Make Campus Connections

Did You Know?

Across the country, less than 40% of community college students graduate within six years and a quarter leave after their first semester. To counteract these troubling statistics and keep students coming back, there are ambitious, system-wide policies now in place, such as the CCCCO Student Success Initiative, as well as innovative, campus-specific programs. However, you can play an important role by encouraging students to take advantage of the support services available to them. Whether they need academic counseling, tutoring, financial aid, or a job, many students don’t realize they can get the help they need right on campus and via the school website. To impact student success now…try this short activity.

Here’s how…

  • Ask students to please stand, listen, and respond to your instructions.
  1. If you have spent time studying in the campus library, remain standing.
  2. If you can explain to another student two reasons to visit the financial aid office on campus, do not sit down.
  3. If you can direct another student to the student center, stay on your feet.
  4. If you have visited the campus career center, keep on standing.
  5. If you know where to go to get help in Math or English, remain standing.
  6. If you can write down the directions to the college transfer center, do not take your seat.
  7. If you can share one campus resource to use to find an internship, remain standing.
  8. If you belong to a campus club or have participated in a campus volunteer activity, stay on your feet.
  9. If you can identify a campus event that will take place this month, continue standing.
  10. If you can tell a person already seated why a student would join Alpha Gamma Sigma, we congratulate you!
  • Explain that you did this exercise to find out how many students know about the great student support services on campus.
  • Emphasize that these services are typically offered at no cost and most are readily available to all students (there may a small fee for events and/or club activities).
  • Ask students to describe services they have found helpful.
  • Think about poviding a list of student services on your campus and, perhaps, a campus map.

Above and Beyond!

Distribute the Student Activity (now in fillable, pdf form), and ask them to complete it before your next class meeting. Then, when your class convenes, have students share the connections they were able to make. Send them home with more Student Success Tips from the

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