Go Global


Go Global

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“Whatever people’s fears of change, globalization is here to stay—and, if properly managed, it will be a good thing.”

– Thomas Friedman, NY Times Columnist

Go Global!

Did you know?

Global Competence is a must-have ability for today’s students because employers want and need to hire employees with knowledge of the world and the skills and dispositions to engage readily with people from many cultures and countries. Whether students want to work outside of the country or for an international company in the United States, having a global mindset is essential to their success. While studying abroad is one of the best ways to develop an international mindset, staying abreast of world affairs, learning a foreign language and participating in global organizations will help students prepare to compete and cooperate in a global workplace. To get your students thinking about expanding their world, try this Go Global activity.

Try this…

  • Ask them:
    Why would you consider getting a job abroad?
    What country would you like to work or study in? Why?
    What special skills qualify you to work internationally?
  • View video.
  • Distribute Student Activity (now a fillable pdf), review directions and complete.
  • Brainstorm ways students can develop global mindset.
  • Encourage students to stop by CACareerCafe.Com for more career info.

Get Real…

If your students don’t have a passport, encourage them to learn how to get one. This pocket-sized document is their key to the world and once they have theirs they will be prepared to travel the world at a minute’s notice.

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